Kvarner region tourism board

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The Tourism Board performs technical and administrative operations.  The activities of the Kvarner County Tourism Board are primarily focused on upgrading the general conditions regarding the stay of tourists in the region, promoting the tourist product of the Kvarner County, raising awareness of the significance of economic, social and other effects of tourism as well as of the need and importance of preserving and upgrading all elements of the tourist product, with an emphasis on environmental protection. The most important tasks of the Kvarner County Tourism Board are: • Promotion of the tourist destination at the county level, both independently and through joint advertising, • Management of public tourist infrastructure, as delegated by the County, • Participation in the process of defining tourism development goals and policy at the county level in compliance with the National Tourism Development Planning Policy, • Preparation of the Tourism Development Strategy at the national level, • Promotion of tourist resources of the County in the country and abroad in coordination with the Croatian National Tourist Board, • Enriching the overall tourist resources of the County and creating new regional tourist products, especially with regards to various types of tourism (rural, cultural, health tourism, etc.), • Provision of technical and any other form of assistance to tourist boards operating within the county area regarding all issues relevant for the performance of their activities and their development, as well as promotion and assistance in the development of tourism in touristically underdeveloped areas, • Coordination of activities and monitoring of the achievement of goals and performance of tasks of municipal and town tourist boards from the county area, • Participation in the preparation of Tourism Development Plans and the Croatian Tourism Strategic Marketing Plan, • Drafting the County Tourism Strategic Marketing Plan in line with the National Tourist Strategic Marketing Plan, • Encouraging, preserving and upgrading of all existing tourist resources and potential, as well as the County’s tourist services and facilities, • Gathering as well as weekly and monthly processing of data related to tourist turnover and any other data essential for monitoring the achievement and performance of set goals and tasks (Joint Report of Municipal and Town Tourist Boards), • Informative activities related to tourism services and facilities, • Preparation of semiannual and annual reports, analyses and assessments concerning the realization of the Kvarner County Tourism Board activity and financial plans, • Setting up a uniform tourist information system, a system for registration of tourist arrivals and departures, and a system for statistical processing in relation to both lower level tourist boards and the Croatian National Tourist Board

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